The Game Hilariously Got His Followers to Flash Mob Police Phone Lines

Either someone's playing a practical joke or the Game has serious internet powers. It seems that the Game tweeted containing the number for the Compton sheriff's office yesterday. That resulted in hundred of calls to the department that apparently overwhelmed their emergency service.
At around 5PM, either the Game or his associate @wackstar tweeted that the Game was looking for interns, with a number to the sheriff's office as the contact number. Fans started calling in droves, and Sheriff's Captain Mike Parker had to step in to try to put a stop to it. He tweeted @thegame but the Game (man, it's really exhausting having to type "the Game" all the time) denied having tweeted anything. It was all @wackstar's fault—snitchin'!—who he later told to sleep with jeans on in case the cops showed up. Getting arrested in pajamas is not a good look.
All this went on for about two hours. Meanwhile, the phones lines were totally jammed with so many people calling in. Now Sheriff Parker and the department plan on filing a criminal complaint to get to the bottom of the situation.
I just had no idea the Game was still relevant enough to cause this kind of commotion. Even by accident. So you'll understand if I have a certain NWA classic stuck in my head now

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